Booby Life

Plot Summary: Naoto, a young guy with a thing for busty women, is the luckiest man in the world: Ayane, a busty babe he's known for all his life, has a thing for him and lets him have sex with her anytime he wants, and to spice it up, Chika, another one of his booby childhood friends, has just a big crush on him too. When she tells him "My breasts belong only to you," there's no way any guy would resist. There's now only one thing that will be hard for Naoto's life and that is choosing between two gorgeous booby hotties...

Language: Japanese | English - Dual Audio
Subtitle: English
File: MKV
Size: Episode 1 - 59.6MB, Episode 2 - 61.2MB

Genres: erotica
Themes: boobs
Age rating: Adults only! (Contains explicit sexual content)

Running time: half hour
Number of episodes: 2
Password: Hentai - Zone

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 1[code][/code]

Episode 2[code]

Hentai - Zone